Create a network Topology Setup in such a way so that System A can ping to two Systems => System B and System C but both these systems should not be pinging each other. without using any security rule
e.g. firewall etc.

Here, System A is=Redhat 8 A(
System B is=Redhat 8 B(
System C is=rhel8 server 1(
- 3 VMs(Virtual Machine)
First, we have to delete all the IP addresses from all the OS routing tables. After that add the System B and System C IP’s in System A routing table then, add the System A IP’s in System B and System C routing table.
Step-1: Check IP’s of all the system and also the routing rules from all the Systems:

Step 2: Delete all the rules from all the system.

Step 3: Add the IP’s of System B and System C in System A

Step 4: Add the IP of System A in System B and System C

Step 5: Now Let’s ping System B and System C from System A

Step 6: Ping System A from System B

Step 7: Ping System A from System C

Step 8: Try to ping System C from System B, which we can’t.

Step 9: Try to ping System B from System C, which we can’t.

That’s great it is not working.
Why it is not working ?
It’s because we haven’t added the IP addresses of System B and System C to each other .